Ultimate Brass Catcher, 20" Stem (In Stock!)
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The Ultimate Brass Catcher was designed for the semi-auto pistol shooter. The bag can be adjusted to catch virtually all brass ejected from a properly functioning semi-auto pistol. Spent brass is funneled into a box on the shooting bench or collected in the bag with the drawstring. Made from heavy polyester mesh, the bag will stand up to muzzle blast and hot brass for many years. The bag is attached with velcro strips for easy removal should replacement ever be necessary. The Ό inch mesh holes make the catcher legal for bullseye competition. The upper frame has a large 15 x 12 opening, and is made entirely of stainless steel to withstand muzzle blast. This is the tallest stem height available and can be adjusted from 20 to 38 inches, measured to the bottom of the opening. Optional stem heights available to accommodate any shooter and bench heights. The upper frame can be tilted to optimize the catcher for each gun's ejection characteristics. A heavy steel base with rubber feet keeps the catcher stable. The base unscrews and the frame folds up for compact storage. Comes with a 1 year unconditional money back warranty.