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Welcome to CMM Shooting Sports

CMM Shooting Sports is an e-commerce direct merchandise retailer supplying high-quality specialty parts and accessories to the firearms shooting community. Through our exclusive relationship with the manufacturer, Custom Model Machine of Iowa, CMM Shooting Sports is able to provide specialized, high quality shooting products at competitive prices. You will not find a higher quality product anywhere!

We introduced our first shooting accessory product, the Hammerli Frame Adapter, in 1998. The Frame Adapter gained popularity, being fitted to the pistols of some of the finest competitive bullseye shooters in the country. Through our manufacturer's expert design and countless hours of field development, CMM continues to expand its product line to meet the needs of the shooting community.

CMM Shooting Sports provides only top quality parts and accessories that will meet your most rigorous demands. Browse through our website today to discover more about our quality shooting accessories!

Featured Products
1911 style trigger for AW93
1911 style trigger for AW93
Your Price: $50.00
Arched Back Frame Adapter, model AW93
Arched Back Frame Adapter, model AW93
Your Price: $240.00
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New Product Created By (Administrator) - Please enter name here
Ultimate Brass Catcher, optional 20” stem
Ultimate Brass Catcher, optional 20” stem
Your Price: $140.00
Ultimate Brass Catcher, optional 8” stem
Ultimate Brass Catcher, optional 8” stem
Your Price: $140.00
Ultimate Brass Catcher, standard 16” stem
Ultimate Brass Catcher, standard 16” stem
Your Price: $140.00